In-Game Basketball

Competition Info

In-Game Basketball Competition 

The competition will take place during the Regional Girls & Boys’ Basketball tournaments.   All cheerleading squads whose basketball teams in regions 9 & 10 that advance to the Regional tournament will be judged.  No fee required. All NFHS Spirit rules apply. Each Summer the KHSAA sends every Kentucky High School a copy of the NFHS Spirit Rules Book. Coaches, check with your Principal if you haven’t received yours.

 In-Game Judging Sheet

In-Game Difficulty & Execution Grids

In-Game Scoring Guideline

In-Game preparation tips

If your boy’s or girl’s basketball teams make it to regionals your cheer squad will be judged during that tournament.

All basketball cheer teams will be judged during their first round game. First & Second place awards will be presented at halftime of the 2nd round game.
Judging will begin 10 minutes before the game begins and that portion will be recorded in the pregame section.  The PreGame section can include crowd cheers, band dances, stunts, jumps & tumbling.  Stunts & Tumbling can only be done on the wood floor, please no stunts or tumbling on the concrete.  This is separate from the Player introductions section
The Cheers section includes those cheers performed at full time outs, between quarters, and at halftime.  It is not required that teams go on the floor at timeouts or between quarters but if they do they should alternate with the opposing team.  Visitors on the scoreboard have the first quarter, Home team has the floor 3rd quarter.  Home team has 1st full time out & Visitor 2nd then alternate after that.
30 second timeout material will be recorded in the sideline category.  Band dances during timeouts or between quarters will be judged in the sideline category. As well as all other sidelines. No teams should go onto the playing floor for any reason during a 30 second timeout. Doing so is a NFHS safety violation and a 5 point deduction for each violation.
During halftime each team is required to perform a cheer for the Cheer section that is approximately 90 seconds or less. Visiting team goes first, followed by the home team.
Coaches, please make sure that somewhere in your floor cheers (either during quarters, timeouts or halftime) that they include a jump, tumbling and a stunt. Not all cheers require jumps, tumbling and stunts, but you must do them at least once so you don’t receive a zero in that scoresheet category. Please review the scoresheet to maximize your points.
Just a reminder that NFHS rules stipulate cheerleaders should not wear jewelry and their hair should be pulled back for safety. Please make sure your cheerleaders follow these rules so they don’t lose 5 points off the total score for each violation.

Calendar of Events

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S Sun

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