Scoresheets & Rules
Scoresheets are being continually updated based on coaches feedback. They are currently in Draft form.
Updated for 2024-25
- School/Rec All Girl
- School / Rec Coed
- School / Rec Game Day
- School / Rec Non Tumble
- School / Rec Stunt Group
- High / Middle School Difficulty Grid
- Elementary Difficulty Grid
- Tumbling and Jump Difficulty Grid
- Score Range Rubric
- GameDay Choreography Tips
Draft being completed. Update coming soon.
UDA Dance Team Scoring
- Dance Execution Scoresheet – all categories
- Dance Choreography Scoresheet – all categories
- UDA execution scoresheet breakdown
- UDA choreography scoresheet breakdown
35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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NHSCCA Nationals
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NHSCCA Nationals
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